Please note that all activities are subject to change
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See Rate pages for weekend pricing and specialty pricing
Sill's Annual Campground Clean up Weekends:
The first 10 campers to sign up for Saturday's Clean up event and your 2 night stay is on us! Ex...
9am: Welcome to our 21st Season. We are excited to welcome our campers back with donuts and coffee in the Pavilion.
7pm: Bingo in Pavilion ($0.25 per card)
7pm: Live Music by: Junior's Grade Band
* Live Music open to Public with $8/person cove...
7pm: Bingo in Pavilion ($0.25 per card)
11am: Crafts in the Pavilion w/ April: Cork Easter Bunnies ($TBD)
1pm: Kids Egg Hunt i...
7pm: Bingo in Pavilion ($0.25 per card)
4pm: Soup and Chili Cook Off: Sign up in the office to create your best soup and or ch...